Saturday, August 25, 2007

It's a Roll Over Weekend!

Today my little girl (3 months old) rolled over for the first time. My wife heard her do it in the morning, but it wasn't until this evening that she did it again while we watched her. Lying on her front, some stomach crunches to get onto her side, and flip of the shoulders and she was over. We are so chuffed. We are also looking at the shockingly short time before crawling and full mobility....

Today was also the last game of rugby this season for the little boy (5 years). They have made such a huge improvement through this first season, and he seems to really enjoy it. This week he was "properly involved" again - his clothes had mud on them! After rugby we had the now traditional visit to the French Market for crepes, juice, and whitebait fritters (except the crepe people were selling waffles this week); then off to swimming.

So to celebrate these things, I thought it was time to write a blog. :-)

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